Sunday, September 13, 2015

Okroshka -Окрошка

Okroshka is a cold soup cooked with meat, vegetables and Russian national beverage kvass. This dish is unique; there are no similar dishes in the world. Only Spanish gazpacho is a little bit like Russian okroshka, but the list of ingredients is strongly different. We often call Okroshka as “summer soup”, because it is good in Summer. Sometimes in Russia, they add pieces of ice to keep it cold. This dish will refresh you in the hot weather. The name “okroshka” originates from the Russian verb “kroshit” translates as "to crumble" that means to separate something into little pieces. The dish was always a way of utilizing any foodstuff left from other dishes, especially meat. If you have a few pieces of meat, then the best idea to use it somehow will be cooking okroshka. It is delicious, easy and fast to prepare.

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